What is a Registry Hive ?

A hive in the Windows Registry is the name of a main registry hive that contains registry keys, registry subkeys, and registry values.

All keys that are considered hives start with "HKEY" and are located at the root or top of the registry hierarchy, which is why they are sometimes referred to as root keys or core system hives.

To use a more common term, a hive is like a startup folder in the registry. Everything in the registry ultimately resides in different hives.

Where are Log Hives Located?

In Registry Editor, hives are the group of registry keys that appear as folders on the left side of the screen when all other keys are minimized.

Here is a list of the most common registry hives in Windows:






HKEY_DYN_DATA is a registry hive used in Windows ME, 98, and 95. Most of the information stored in this hive is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE in later versions of Windows.

Why Can't I See Registry Hives?

Sometimes when you open the registry editor, you'll see many, many folders on the left and maybe even registry values ​​on the right, but no record is pasted. It just means that they are outside the normal field of vision.

To view all the registry hives at once, scroll to the top left of Registry Editor and collapse all the hives by clicking the down arrows or choosing Collapse from the context menu.

In either case, this will collapse all the keys and subkeys so you only see the few log slashes listed above.

Tip: Another reason some registry sections may not appear is if you are viewing the registry remotely from another computer.

Registry Hive vs Registry Keys

A registry hive is a folder in the Windows registry, but it is also a registry key. So what exactly is the difference between a registry hive and a registry key?

The only difference between the two is that a registry hive is the first folder in the registry and contains registry keys, while registry keys are the folders within hives that contain registry values ​​and other registry keys.

Naming a folder in the registry a "registry hive" is just to further categorize what we're talking about. Instead of referring to each folder in the registry as a registry hive or registry key, we call the first parent folder a hive, but use keys as names for all other folders within the hives, and registry subkeys as names for keys within other keys.

A Registry Hive in Context

Here's an easy way to understand where a registry hive belongs in the Windows Registry:


As you can see in the following example, although there can be multiple registry subkeys in a hive, there is only one registry hive in each location.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors\Menu


  • KEY: Control Panel

  • SUBKEY: Desktop 

  • SUBKEY: Colors

  • VALUE: Menu

Editing and Deleting Registry Hives

Unlike keys and values, registry hives cannot be created, deleted, or renamed. Registry Editor doesn't let you, which means you can't even accidentally edit one.

The inability to remove registry devices isn't that Microsoft is stopping you from doing something amazing with your own computer; there's just no reason why you want to. The keys and values ​​that make up all the registry hives are the true value of the Windows registry.

However, you can add, change, and delete keys and values ​​in the registry. You need to access the hives to do all of this, but the hives themselves are immutable.

Registry Hive Backup

However, you can back up registry hives and registry keys. When backing up an entire hive, all keys and values ​​for that hive are saved as a .reg file, which can then be imported back into the Windows registry at a later time.


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