What is the Windows Registry ?

Do you know what this Windows Registry is? If you use all computers, Windows will definitely be installed on your computer. In such a situation, you must have heard the name of the record. The registry is an important part of Windows. All the programs and software that are installed on our computer depend on the registry itself, and some of these software and programs are loaded into the registry itself.

What is the Windows Registry?

Windows Registry, which is usually referred to just from the registry. It is a collection of databases of configuration settings in the Microsoft Windows operating system.

If you have installed many important software in your Windows, then you will know that every software has some important data like its path, location, address, necessary settings of the software, themes, resources, apart from this also the version of the software. It happens.

The place where all of these are installed is called the Windows Registry. The Windows registry is a kind of database that stores all software data in the form of a tree. Inside is another folder within a folder and on the right hand side of each folder is your data.

Apart from the software, the necessary Windows settings, references, database etc. are also installed in the Windows Registry itself. Apart from this, data related to Operating System and Hardware is also installed in Windows Registry itself. In this way you must have come to know how important data is installed in the Windows Registry.

The most important thing is that we can also read and, if necessary, write to the Windows registry, that is, we can also make changes to it. The registry is the main part of Windows where many kinds of databases are installed for all kinds of software, hardware, Windows settings, etc.

How to Access the Windows Registry

The Windows Registry is accessed and configured using the Registry Editor program, a free registry editing utility included by default with each version of Microsoft Windows.

Registry Editor is not a program that you download. Instead, it can be accessed from the Command Prompt or from the Start menu by executing regedit from the Search or Run box. See How to open Registry Editor if you need help.

Registry Editor is the face of the Registry and is the way to view and make changes to the Registry, but it is not the Registry itself. Technically, the registry is the collective name for the various database files that are located in the Windows installation directory.

Why is the Windows Registry Used?

It is used to store information and settings of software programs, which mainly include hardware devices, user preferences, operating system configurations, etc.

For example, when you install a new program, the new instructions and file references are automatically added to the registry, the program in a certain location, other programs that interact with them so you can point to other things that have more information, such as: where the files are located, what options to use in the program, etc.

How Does Windows Registry Work?

Software and program settings, Windows default settings, Operating System Configure, Hardware Configure, Control Panel settings, etc. are installed in the Windows Registry. Whenever we load any software or program in Windows, then all its database goes in Windows Registry. Whenever we make some changes in Windows, the Windows Registry also gets changed automatically.

For example, whenever any software is installed in Windows, a sub key is created in the registry, in which the location, version, version, technology of starting this software, some important settings etc. are automatically installed. . You can find information about that software by going to the registry.

How Can See the Windows Registry?

To view this, first go to Run and press Windows + R. Now the Run dialog box will open, type regedit. You will now see the entire Windows Registry. All data is in tree format.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: This key contains information or application related information to perform work.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER: Contains all the settings of the current user.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: Contains important information about the computer, including its software and hardware.

HKEY_USERS: Contains information about all currently active users.

HKEY_CURENT_CONFIG: Contains information about the current hardware of the local computer system.


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