What is RAM (Random Access Memory) ?

Random Access Memory or RAM is the physical hardware in a computer that temporarily stores data and serves as the computer's "working memory."

Additional RAM allows a computer to work with more information at the same time, which usually has a significant impact on overall system performance.

Some well-known RAM manufacturers include Kingston, PNY, Crucial, and CORSAIR.

Note: There are many types of RAM, so you may hear it by other names. It is also known as main memory, internal storage, primary storage, primary memory "stick" memory, and "stick" RAM.

What is RAM Memory?

In a nutshell, the purpose of RAM is to provide fast read and write access to a storage device. Your computer uses RAM to load data because it's much faster than running the same data directly from a hard drive.

Think of RAM as a desktop. A desk is used for quick access to important documents, stationery, and other things you need right now. Without a desk, you would store everything in drawers and filing cabinets, which means it would take you much longer to complete your daily tasks as you would have to constantly search through those storage compartments to get what you need and then they would have to spend more time. with stowaway

Similarly, any data you actively use on your computer (or smartphone, tablet, etc.) is temporarily stored in RAM. This type of storage, like a desktop in the analogy, offers much faster read/write times than using a hard drive. Most hard drives are significantly slower than RAM due to physical limitations such as rotational speed.

RAM Works With Your Hard Drive (But They are Different Things)

RAM is often referred to simply as "memory," although other types of memory can exist in a computer. RAM, the subject of this article, has nothing to do with the amount of file storage on a hard drive, though they are often mistakenly swapped in conversation. For example, 1 GB of memory (RAM) is not the same as 1 GB of disk space.

Unlike a hard drive, which can be turned off and on again without data loss, the contents of RAM memory are always erased when the computer is turned off. Because of this, when you turn your computer back on, none of your programs or files are open.

Tip: One way that computers work around this limitation is to put your computer into sleep mode. A computer's hibernation mode simply copies the contents of RAM to the hard drive when the computer is turned off, and then copies all of the contents back to RAM when it is turned back on.

Each motherboard only supports a certain selection of memory types in certain combinations, so always check with your motherboard manufacturer before making a purchase.

Your Computer's Memory Looks Like a Ruler or "Stick"

A standard module or stick of desktop memory is a long, thin piece of hardware that looks like a short ruler. The bottom of the memory module has one or more notches to guide proper installation and is lined with numerous connectors, usually gold-plated.

The memory is installed in the memory module slots on the motherboard. These slots are easy to find – just look for the little memory-locking hinges on either side of the similarly sized slot on the motherboard.

Important: Certain sizes of modules may need to be installed in certain slots, so always check with your motherboard manufacturer before purchasing or installing. Another useful option is to use a system information tool to see the specific module type your motherboard uses.

Memory modules come in different capacities and variations. Modern memory modules are available in sizes of 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, and 16GB+. Some examples of the different types of memory modules are DIMMs, RIMMs, SIMMs, SO-DIMMs, and SO-RIMMs.

Tip: MB and GB are units of measurement for data. When shopping for RAM and other data-centric devices and services, it's important to understand the differences.

How Much RAM Do You Need?

Just like a CPU and a hard drive, the amount of memory you need for your computer depends entirely on what you use or intend to use your computer for.

For example, if you're buying a computer for intense gaming, you'll need enough RAM to support smooth gameplay. Having only 2 GB of RAM available for a game that recommends at least 4 GB will result in very slow performance, if not a complete inability to play the game (especially if the recommendation is 8 GB or more).

On the other end of the spectrum, if you use your computer for light web browsing and no video streaming, gaming, memory-hungry apps, etc., you could get away with using less RAM.

The same goes for video editing apps, programs that rely heavily on 3D graphics, etc. You can usually find out how much RAM a particular program or game requires before you buy a computer, which is often listed in the "System Requirements" section of the product's website or box.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a new desktop, laptop, or even tablet that comes with less than 2-4GB of RAM pre-installed. Unless you have a specific purpose for your computer other than regular video streaming, web browsing, and normal application use, you probably don't need to buy a computer that has more RAM

Tip: The speed of a device is not only limited by its memory, but also by other components such as the processor and hard drive, which means your computer could have high-end components but little memory, which would affect overall performance. The same is true the other way around: more RAM is great, but it won't have as big of an impact if the CPU is slow.

RAM Troubleshooting

The first thing to do if you suspect a problem with one or more RAM modules is to reseat the memory modules. If one of the RAM sticks isn't sitting securely in its slot on the motherboard, it's possible that even a small dent will knock it out of place and cause memory problems you didn't have before.

If reseating the memory doesn't improve your symptoms, we recommend using one of these free memory test programs. Because they work outside of the operating system, they work with any type of PC: Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.

Your best bet is to change your computer's memory if any of these tools identify a problem, no matter how small.

Extended Information About RAM

Although RAM is explained in the context of this website as volatile memory (referring to internal computer memory), it also exists in a nonvolatile, unalterable form called read-only memory (ROM). Flash drives and solid-state drives, for example, are variants of ROM that retain their data without power, but can be modified.

There are many types of RAM, but the two main ones are static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM). They are both volatile. SRAM is faster but more expensive to manufacture than DRAM, which is why the latter is more common in today's devices. However, SRAM is sometimes seen in small doses in various internal parts of the computer, such as the CPU and disk cache.

Some programs, like SoftPerfect RAM Disk, can create what's called a RAM disk, which is essentially a hard drive that resides in RAM. Data can be saved and accessed on this new hard drive just like any other, but the read/write times are much faster than with a normal hard drive because the RAM is so much faster.

Some operating systems may use something called virtual memory, which is the opposite of a RAM disk. This is a function that reserves disk space to use as RAM. While this can increase the total memory available for applications and other uses, it can negatively affect system performance since hard drives are slower than RAM.


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